Embodied Business

What is Embodied Business?

Consulting with businesses to help guide them toward more fulfilled lives, more heart-filled products and services by focusing on increased respect for the individuals and their talents that give life, value and personality to a company using the methods of Human Design and Gene Keys.

Goals of Embodied Business

To encourage self-realization and expression of innate talent in the individual.
To inspire corporate cultures toward heterarchic and synarchic forms of management.
To co-create with curiosity and humility.

What ways can we engage in this with you?

Speaking Engagement – 2hr Making Business Human
Guiding Questions: How can we use the Human Design methodology to remove the bonds of corporate conventions that stifle human inquiry, curiosity, and expression? How can we empower employees – and entire companies – to realign to their nature creating more productive, creative, and happier employees?

Half Day Workshop – 3-4hrs Making Us Human
Guiding Questions: How can we create permission in this company culture to be curious about how we may work best and explore that together? How does everyone end up doing what brings them the most fulfillment in the exact way they love being productive so this business is overflowing with heart, innovation, and value?

Management Consulting – 4 mos Making Management Human

Guiding Questions: How can we model and create room for self-experimentation? How can our culture and processes (from onboarding, to reviews, to reorgs) demonstrate a guiding principle of getting each person to do what they love most and thus get the most out of the business? Are we willing to ease control and make space for more true expression of ourselves and our employees?

How to Apply?

Please fill in the contact form below and we will get in touch with you regarding the application process.

Expression of Interest

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