highest.harmony is a vision of creating and disseminating inspired information in the form of poetry, essays, podcasts, books, magazines and unique guerrilla marketing campaigns.

we aim to open those we touch to new perspectives and shift our human collective from a fear-based paradigm constricted by mainstream news media into one that fosters critical thought and empowered action rooted in love and harmony.

inspired by the wisdom of conceptual systems such as Human Design and the Gene Keys, highest.harmony will dismantle traditional hierarchical structures as it unfurls into an inevitable synarchy.

all are welcome here

we are
a commitment to harmony
a commitment to truth
a commitment to creativity

Interview with a gorilla

What is your mission?

to shift the majority human paradigm toward one of trust, abundance, and harmony.
to lead people back to their internal compass and source of empowerment.
to choose, each day, the most harmonic way our hearts know is possible.

What are your values?

truth. a joyful and tireless pursuit to define and redefine and claim our understanding of “what is”
creativity. a journey into the uncertain void – free of definition – from whence we may birth new thought and ways.
harmony. a constant cultivation of thoughts, beliefs, and actions to make each moment more vibrantly beautiful.

Where can I see your work?

much of our work goes largely unattributed and remains anonymous.
those that we celebrate publicly can be found through the portal to creations.

Can I collaborate with you?

we are always searching for other artists to help steward paradigm-shifting and harmonic ideas into life.
please reach out.